Recruitment and Selection

This course has been specifically designed to meet Rail Groups needs. Any manager, team leader or supervisor, who requires the confidence, skills and correct knowledge, in order to successfully recruit the right delegate for the right post, would benefit from attending.

Recruitment and Selection

2 Days

Available online


The second day builds effectively upon previous learning by utilising live candidates and creating realistic interview situations in which each delegate must put theory directly into practice. Delegates will gain individual feedback on their approach and development areas. The group as a whole will gain coaching and direction around areas that were either not addressed or that proved difficult during the live interviews.


  • For delegates to understand the costs and consequences of recruitment processes and decisions.
  • For delegates to understand their responsibility to use the correct recruitment process for their part of the business and the role of HR throughout the process.
  • For delegates to understand and be able to comply with legislation relating to Equal Opportunities during all phases of the recruitment process.
  • For delegates to accurately specify the recruitment requirement, utilising the Role Profile.
  • For delegates to demonstrate the ability to conduct an effective selection interview including the selling of the company and the job, the evaluation of the candidate using a structured, competency based interview and the summary and completion of accurate records.
  • For delegates to understand the constituents and constraints of a formal offer including company policy on medicals, drug and alcohol testing, references, work permits and other pre-start issues.


  • Introduction
  • Understanding the key success factors of interviewing
  • The cost to the business and the manager when conducted ineffectively
  • The role of H.R and the role of the manager
  • Understanding and mastering the required documentation
  • What to plan for?
  • Extra requirements to bear in mind
  • Avoiding common interview pitfalls
  • Structuring the interview – practical exercises
  • Conducting the interview- practical exercises
  • Developing appropriate questioning and key listening techniques – practical exercises
  • Evaluating the interview – practical exercises
  • Next steps, the role of H.R and the role of the manager
  • Practical exercises
  • Action plan, summary and close

Enquire today.

Enquire about this course today, please note that this course will need to be designed and tailored specifically for your business, please give us as much information as you can in the below form as this will give us a much better understanding of how we can tailor the course to help you.

Interested in finding out more?

Call 0330 133 8190 or email