Menopause Awareness

Keystone Training’s Menopause Workplace Training courses are aimed at informing employees and managers about menopause in the workplace and how to support those who are managing menopause on a daily basis.

Menopause Awareness

90 Minutes

Available onsite

90 Minute Online Course | For employees, line managers and leaders

The Menopause Awareness online course is designed with the goal of opening up the topic of menopause in the workplace. It is geared towards getting employees informed and providing them with resources so that they feel comfortable discussing menopause at work.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to describe what the menopause is and is not, allowing them to bust any myths and misconceptions surrounding the topic. Participants will also be able to identify a range of symptoms that may be experienced by menopausal and post-menopausal colleagues and describe their potential impact in the workplace. You will also leave with an awareness of the menopause timeline and its potential impact on themselves and their colleagues.

Enquire today.

Enquire about this course today, this course is a pre-designed course available for any business, please give us as much information as you can in the below form as this will give us a much better understanding of how we can help you.


Interested in finding out more?

Call 0330 133 8190 or email