Leadership and Management Practice in Construction

The purpose of this standard is to enable the delegate to develop knowledge and understanding of using leadership and management skills to ensure safety and quality requirements and appropriate standards of behaviour are met when achieving project and work plans as required by a practising or potential team leader or site supervisor.

Leadership and Management Practice in Construction

Available onsite and online

CITB Registered Employers can claim £240 for each delegate successfully completing this course and its assessment.

Guided Learning Hours

14 hours which are delivered as 2 days (virtual or face-to-face) plus pre- and post-work.


A Question and Answer paper completed at the end of Day 2.

Learning outcomes

The delegate will be able to:

  • Describe the responsibilities of the site supervisor or team leader in ensuring safety on site
  • Describe the responsibilities of the site supervisor or team leader in ensuring quality requirements are met
  • Describe the responsibilities of the site supervisor or team leader in ensuring productivity targets are achieved
  • Describe the responsibilities of the site supervisor or team leader in ensuring behavioural standards on site are appropriate and contribute to the achievement of project and work plans
  • Explain the role of the site supervisor or team leader in organisational procedures relating to poor performance or behaviour
  • Describe the practices of both a manager and a leader to explain why a site supervisor or team leader needs to be both a manager and a leader
  • Explain the site supervisor’s or team leader’s role as a manager in achieving team objectives and outcomes
  • Describe the principal features of two leadership styles to explain how to apply a range of leadership styles
  • Explain how you set direction and communicate this to others
  • Describe how you motivate and empower your team
  • Identify and prioritise two or more areas for personal development to improve own ability to lead within a detailed and appropriate context
  • Describe the practices of quality management to explain, with examples, what is meant by the ‘cost of quality’
  • Describe one quality standard for internal customers and one quality standard for external customers to explain how or why they are applicable to internal and external customers
  • Describe the principal features of the record-keeping process for maintaining quality
  • List current legislation and industry regulations relating to health and safety at work that are relevant to the responsibilities of a site supervisor or team leader
  • Describe your organisation’s policy in relation to one specific item of legislation or regulation
  • Describe the principal features of a risk assessment and how to conduct one
  • Explain the difference between a risk assessment and a method statement
  • Describe how to ensure the team is aware of health and safety requirements
  • Explain why it is important to monitor health and safety and keep accurate records
  • Explain the supervisor’s or team leader’s role in monitoring health and safety and maintaining accurate records.


Contact Keystone today: lee.baker@keystonetrainingltd.co.uk / 07432 448017

Enquire today.

Enquire about this course today, this course is a pre-designed course available for any business, please give us as much information as you can in the below form as this will give us a much better understanding of how we can help you.


Interested in finding out more?

Call 0330 133 8190 or email hello@keystonetrainingltd.co.uk