CMI Level 5 Managing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

CMI Level 5 Managing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Available online

Qualification Objective

This qualification is aimed at practising or aspiring managers and leaders who are typically accountable to a senior manager or business owner. It is aimed at enabling practising or aspiring managers to understand the business case for equality, diversity and inclusion and the role of managers in creating inclusive cultures. The qualifications have been designed for practising or aspiring managers in roles such as:

  • Operations Manager
  • Divisional Manager
  • Departmental Manager
  • Regional Manager
  • Specialist Manager

L5 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Factsheet

Enquire today.

Enquire about this course today, this course is a pre-designed course available for any business, please give us as much information as you can in the below form as this will give us a much better understanding of how we can help you.

(Company Name, Group Size etc.)
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Interested in finding out more?

Call 0330 133 8190 or email